Thursday, April 5, 2012

Making Money With Revenue Sharing Sites

Wanting to be able to start making money online, but having no cash to invest in the process can seem like a no win situation. Many of the top people on the Internet that are bringing in the cash will tell you that you need to have your own web site if you want to get very far in this endeavor. The truth is that while having your site is key to future success, you can start making money with revenue sharing sites today.
What Are Revenue Sharing Sites
Revenue sharing sites are web sites that are owned by others who allow you to post content on them. The owners then allow you to start making money from the content that you have posted by sharing the revenue that it is creating with you. The actual way the earnings are shared with vary greatly from one sit to another. However, the one thing that you can be assured is that this is a legitimate way to make money online.
Making Money Online Tips
The idea of making money online with revenue sharing sites should be no different then building your own sites. You need to choose a topic area or niche where you can earn income with either ads or affiliate links. Within this niche, you need to find keywords that get enough traffic and that you can rank for. This is how you are going to get the traffic that you need in order to start earning.
It is important to make sure that you read the publishing guidelines for each revenue sharing sites that you are going to be using. There are some that have a list of topics that they will not allow you to publish often. There are also usually guidelines for minimum word counts that you are going to want to follow.
Promotion to Make Money
Once you have the content published on the revenue sharing sites, you are going to need traffic and plenty of it to convert so that you are earnings. There are many different ways to promote the articles that you have published. You can go the social networking route with things like Facebook and twitter. Building backlinks through free and paid methods works as well.
The key is that you do need to make sure that what you published is put out there so people can find it. The more views that you have the more chances of increasing your income from the revenue sharing sites.

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